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Massage Therapy (WCG) »

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Start date: 03/31/25

30 sessions.

Days of the Week: Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  
  Weekly - Mon .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  
  Weekly - Mon .  

Tuition: $3,492.00

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Wendy Gibson  2.Tiffany Rosales 

Please email Robin Jennings at or Kylie Hendrickson at to register


Start date: 05/13/25

30 sessions.

Days of the Week: Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Tue .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  
  Weekly - Sat .  
  Weekly - Tue .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  
  Weekly - Tue .  
  Weekly - Thu .  
  Weekly - Sat .  
  Weekly - Sat .  
  Weekly - Sat .  
  Weekly - Tue, Thu .  

Tuition: $2,499.00

Location: Multiple Location : 
  MGCC Armory
  Online (Zoom).

Instructor : Kristie Evans 

Please email Robin Jennings at or Kylie Hendrickson at to register